Complimentary Health, Anti-Aging & Laser Clinic in Burgess Hill
01444 871369 Option 2
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Complimentary Health, Anti-Aging & Laser Clinic in Burgess Hill
01444 871369 Option 2
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Dr Dan London MA (Cantab) MB BChir Medical & Aesthetic Doctor
P-Shot for men. Boost your sex life and experience the sexual performance and increased size (girth) if that's what you need. The Priapus Shot, could be the answer for you. It may that we also use what is being called bocox (this is medical botox for male sexual health) It can be either used on its own or in conjunction with the P-Shot.
Named after the Greek god of fertility, the Priapus Shot®, or P-Shot® treatment, is a pioneering new technique available at our Sussex clinic. It involves a special high yeild form of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) being injected into the penis (the head and the spongy muscle) to rejuvenate it, as well as improve sensation and function.
Our P-Shot Priapus Shot for ED and Results is a groundbreaking treatment aimed at helping men regain self-confidence by addressing erectile issues such as impotence and size concerns. Real Health & Aesthetics and Dr Dan London proudly offers the P-Shot in Mid-Sussex providing a discrete solution to enhance sexual performance and satisfaction. Discover the multiple benefits of the P-Shot.
Find out more information at our specialist sexual health website
This is a private award winning clinic with parking off the main London Road in Burgess Hill, West Sussex 10 miles North of Brighton.
This is just limited to the pain of an injection.
Improvements to erectile dysfunction, increased size with firmer erections, better orgasm and arousal.
Varies, repeat treatments may be required.
Immediately return to normal, including sexual intercourse.